Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My First Bath

My bellybutton finally fell off today so guess what... Its bathtime! Daddy got me ready for the bath and i was so nervous that i peed on him. Once I got in the bathtub i wasn't too happy either and i screamed as loud as i've ever screamed before. Once mommy got me out of the tub and into the blankets i found my thumb and I was fine.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What a great weekend!

Saturday My aunt Terri and cousin Francesca came to visit me. Me, Mommy and Daddy just hung out and watched a movie. Sunday I slept pretty much all day in the afternoon we went for a walk but i really didnt know it because I was fast asleep. Sunday night i was as awake and goofy as can be ( but i kept mommy awake because i needed company).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Day With Mom!

Today was my first day with my mommy. We were sad to see Grandma and Grandpa Ness leave for Pennsylvania. Mommy labeled pictures of me while I slept in my swing. That afternoon we did a little sunning and called Daddy at work. Later she gave me a bath so I was nice and clean when daddy came home from work. After Daddy finished eating he gave me a bottle and I woke up and opened my eyes for him a little bit. Finally me, Mommy and Daddy watched TV before we went to bed.

Monday, January 21, 2008

We're Home!

Kaliah enjoyed her first full day at home yesterday with many visitors that were anxious to see her for the first time. Later that afternoon her dad got to feed her for the first time and he was very excited!