Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kaliah's 3rd Birthday!! Hip Hip Hooray!

Kaliah had a great 3rd birthday! She talked on the phone to people wishing her a great birthday, had cake, blew out candles and Noah cheered her on! All in all it was a great day!! Hard to believe she is 3 already!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kaliah Makes Cookies . . . Noah Naps

Noah was in the high chair eating his lunch when all of a sudden he fell dead asleep with an apple slice in his hand!! Kaliah made cookies for dessert!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kaliahs Birthday Party!

Hale Hale the gang is all here!! Grandma made Kaliah's Ariel dress and cake! Everything was perfect!

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Tasha Visit

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Tasha come and visit for Kaliah's 3rd birthday! The gang is all here! Here are some pictures of our Christmas with them and the morning of Kaliah's birthday party!

Pictures from Grandma and Papaws visit!

Grandma and Papaw came to visit for a few weeks. We did a lot of cool stuff like eat, read, do puzzles, and so one. Here are some pictures.

Swimming all the time

Kaliah loves the water, while Noah enjoys being in! Yes, we swim year around!