Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat - Halloween 2011

I got to lead the parade at mommy's school with my new friend and mommy!!
Playing hot potato! I got down to the last 2!!Went to mommy's school for trick or treat parties!! I got to play with lots of new friends!Getting ready to hit the town for candy!!Met lots of creatures along the way.This is awesome! I love trick or treat!Dropped a piece of candy, better get it!! ROAR!!Boo to all of you!!Saw lots of NOT so scary things while trick or treating!! Kaliah the BRAVE!Look at all of Noah and my candy! Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Boo at the Zoo!

Lost in the corn maze! Kaliah do you see anything?
Mater was there for Disne Cars 2! So exciting.
Yes this is a real pumpkin, weighed over 1026 pounds!Lightning McQueen at the zoo.
I am a dinosaur here me roar.Which is the adorable Noah?Another Snow White too?!?!Boo at the Zoo, it was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Konow's Pumpkin Farm

Papaw and Kaliah with the llamas. Papaw is tall like the llamas so he helped me to feed them.

My new best buddy.
Papaw and Noah feeding the goats!!

Feeding the llamas. They were big and hungry.

Papaw helping me ride on the tractor.

Noah and mommy on a ride.

Riding the cow train, bumpy and so much fun!

Family day at Konow's!

Playing together in the corn bin, so much fun to through and roll in!

Playing in the big corn bin, this is tons of fun. Corn in every pocket!

Daddy and I can climb on top of the hay, look how high we got!

Climbing through the hay bales.

Noah and daddy ready for the wagon ride.

Looking at the tractor.

Noah fell alseep on the windy wagon ride, long morning at the pumkpin farm.

Ballerina Kaliah

I am excited to see sissie do ballet!

Get ready to see the show.
I am so beautiful.

And spin some more . . .

This is awesome, I love ballet. Watch me watch me!

And a spin . . .

Look at me dance, this is a new move and it is hard.

Oh yeah I love music, watch me dance.

Noah trying his own ballet!! If sissie can do it so can I. Monkey see. Monkey do.